Saturday, November 19, 2005

Gabriela's photoshoot....seeing my niece for the first time!

Monday 21st Gabriela will be exactly 2 months. I am so happy I finally saw my little niece. Below you will find the photoshoot auntie Lynette made. You will see her with her daddy, mommy, Duncan and me. I'm really tired so I'm not going to make a long story, will just put some pics.

Gabriela in the car, she just picked me up at Schiphol.
You can see how happy she is :-)

Gabriela posing for her auntie

Gabriela and daddy! She looks a bit angry isn't she?

Auntie Lynette feeding Gabriela for the first time.

Auntie Lynette, Gabriela and uncle Duncan

Auntie, Mommy and the most beautiful niece

Family picture...LOL
ok ok auntie Mayesi and godmother Rubelia are missing :-(

Mommy and Gabriela

Uncle Duncan and Gabriela

Daddy and Gabriela!

Daddy you should SHAVE yourself!

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