So much has happened and I have been very busy lately. As a lot of you know My sister Amaryllis is here with my beautiful niece Gabriela. My sister Rubelia was here with Juan (just left today :-() Abedd Amaryllis' fiance came to Curacao to surprise her and Gabrielita, so the whole family was here and we had a good time. For me it has been a little bit to much, since I need to work during the day as normal.

But to be honest I wake up happy in the morning (believe it or not) just to know that I can play with Gabriela.
Anyway in the next posts I will put some pics. Below you can see some pics we took while climbing "St Cristoffel". My sister Rubelia organized this and we really had a lot of fun. We were 17 people, but only 14 reached the top
Hope next time we ALL reach the top huh Monique, Charo and Vanessa??? :-P
The winner of course was my sister Ama who was the last to reach the top and e last to come down, but at least she did it!!We waited and waited but finally there she was!! There is this song that says: "tambien me dijo un ariero, que no hay que llegar primero, pero hay que saber llegar" ;-), and of course she did it, sooo hoerayyy for my sisterr...It was her 7th time climbing the Cristoffel, so I'm proud of her.

Anyway the fastest was Eky, he was almost reaching the top when we told him that Chita was out of breath, so he went down just to look for her....HOW SWEET...that's real love, so they were the second group to reach the top. Chita don't make me walk fast now if we go walking at janthiel...I know you said that you don't want to hear me saying I'm tired when we go to janthiel, but believe me that day I was just lucky......for a second I almost fainted

In the picture next you can see who was group ONE ;-)

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