I bought my digital camera 2 months ago and since then I've been taking pictures like crazy. Below you can see what I've been doing for the last 2 months (except for working, don't have pics of that..lol). You will see pictures of me in miami, having dinner, lunching, at the beach etc. I will introduce you to the people I spend a lot of time here in Curacao with. I told you, you will see a lot of pics on this blog!
Anyway enjoy the pics! (click to enlarge)
may 28th 2005...
At home will all my friends.

july 2005...
Gi, Liz and me at the heeren cafe
having a good dinner and of course listening
to some good music!
june 2005...
At the Marriot Hotel Beach, just chilling and
getting some tan.

june 2005..
Marcy, Gizah, Liz and me!
celebrating Gizah's engagement (bachelor dinner)

june 2005...
Gisah, me and Liz having dinner
at Avalon restaurant

at Mambo beach!

june 2005...
Rouvenna, Liz and me at AY CARAMBA cafe.
Just chilling!

july 2005...
Marcy, me and Juanita
At Kiko ta Kiko Party at WTC
august 2005...
Ima, Chita an Me at Chita's Engagement party!!

july 2005...
Gi, Mussy and me at Equis!
See all the meat hanging on top of
the table!

august 2005...
Adine, Shona, Rouvenna and me at Matt's
house warming Party

Mussy, Venna and me
at Mambo beach (again!), just sitting
there and watching people pass by.

july 2005...
me, Liz and Marcy at Ribs factory having some
really good food!! You can see for yourself :-)
august 2005...
Chita, Juanita and me lunching at
Brasserie (some good pancakes)
Too bad we took the picture after eating!
july 2005...
Having dinner with Ashteya, her brother and Harlan
They were on their way to Suriname and stopped by for
2 days in Curacao
july 2005...
Liz and me at Liz's BBQ at the beach/pool!
"Weekend huis MARAZUL"

august 2005...
Me and my cousins at Katy's baby shower.

july 2005...
me, Liz and Marcy at Ribs factory having some
really good food!! You can see for yourself :-)

august 2005...
Chita, Juanita and me lunching at
Brasserie (some good pancakes)
Too bad we took the picture after eating!

july 2005...
Having dinner with Ashteya, her brother and Harlan
They were on their way to Suriname and stopped by for
2 days in Curacao

july 2005...
Liz and me at Liz's BBQ at the beach/pool!
"Weekend huis MARAZUL"

august 2005...
Me and Ailsa at her sister's wedding!

Me and my cousins at Katy's baby shower.

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