Today Liz and I did some HOP off HOP on. :-) We bought a sight seeing tour ticket and with this ticket we can get off the bus and get the next one all day long. This was an advise of my sister Amaryllis and actually we enjoyed it a lot, except that it was VERY VERY cold today.

Anyway what did we see today? Picadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and the houses of Parlaments, Tower Bridge, Tower of London(picture next), St Paul's Cathedral ad so on. We didn't stop at all of them (tomorrow is another day). We just passed by since we decided to take the boat at the Tower of London first.

At the Tower of London we had lunch just before taking the boat (River Thames). We both had Jacket Potatoe with chicken and mushroom. What can I say...it looks better then it tasted.

The boat trip over River Thames was really nice and COLD. It started raining and there was a lot of wind. But that didn't stop us from taking pictures ;-) The guide was telling us the history of every bridge, which year they were build etc, but to be honest don't remember neither the names, neither the build year. Maybe when my cousin Leidy comes next week I will pay better attention.

After the boat trip we hopped on the bus again to Maddam Tussaud.
We had a lot of fun there. First of all I was really happy to see George Cloonet there. As most of you know is my favorite actor. We also took a pic with David especially for our friend Gi who must be jealous now.. ;-)
Anyway there was also this scary attraction in there with real actors ("serial killers)" and it was really terrifying. Liz that usually is not afraid of anything was screaming like crazy..hahah.

This is something I will never forgot and I'm sure Liz won't forget it either. Anyway after Maddam Tussaud we went to the hotel to change shoes and we did some small shopping and had dinner at a restaurant called Garfunkel's. DELICIOUS, much better then our lunch.
Waiting for the boat and in the boat.

Meet & Greet with the celebrities
Sight seeing...Big Ben, houses of parlaments, Trafalgar Squar and more